Our Chairman Ray Hagger laid a wreath at the War Memorial on behalf of the Bognor Twinning Association at the Towns Service of Remembrance. The Message included German & French versions "Of we will remember them", not direct translations.
In Remembrance
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
"Ils ne vieilliront pas comme nous, qui leur avons survécu.
Ils ne connaîtront jamais l'outrage ni le poids des années.
Quand viendra l'heure du crépuscule
et celle de l'aurore,
nous souviendrons d'eux.
“Sie können nicht alt werden, so wie wir alt werden;
Alter kann ihnen nichts anhaben, auch nicht die kommenden Jahre;
Bei Sonnenuntergang und Sonnenaufgang; Werden wir ihrer gedenken.”
Bognor Regis Twinning Association coupled with Saint-Maur-Des-Fosses; Trebbin & Weil Am Rhein
Wreath layers, included councillors and several community organisations including ourselves. Light refreshments were served on the Town Hall after the event. Dignatries included the Town Mayor, as well as Deputy Lieutenant Rear Admiral John Lippiett and Nick Gibb MP.
Main photo courtesy of the Bognor Observer.