The people that make things happen
Vice- Chairman
Ray Hagger having completed as three year term has now stepped back to Vice-Chairman. Outside of Twinning Ray is the Representative for West Sussex of the British-German Association.
Ray is also a Co-Organiser of Chichester Social Meet Up and his interests include sailing, walking, live comedy, real ale, food and wine.
Minute Secretary & International Film Co-ordinator
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Membership Secretary
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Press Officer & French Sub Group
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Town Council Representative
Committee Member