I am delighted to inform you that an Interpretation Board explaining the link between Place Saint Maur and our Twin Town of Saint-Maur-Des-Fosses will be installed shortly. The artwork was prepared by Victoria Owens nee Hilditch of Vinco Marketing and printed by James Halson of Top Level Designs. The Plinth was donated and artwork/printing funded by The Pier Trust CIC (Bognor Regis Heritage & Arts Trust). Thanks to Heather Perrott and Maralyn Green for preparing the Artwork.
We are now just waiting on ADC and Bognor Regis to install the Interpretation Board which should hopefully take place in the coming weeks.
At some point we hope to invite our Mayor Cllr. Francis Oppler together with the Mayor of Saint-Maur-Des-Fosses Sylvian Berrios and others including Ken Blaimires of The Bognor Heritage and Arts Trust, Victoria Owens and others involved to an official unveiling. Unfortunately the file size of the artwork is too large to post here.