A warm and friendly AGM was held by the Bognor Regis Twinning Association at the Regis School of Music in Sudley Road. Another successful year of Town Twinning was praised by the Chairman, Mr Ray Hagger. The previous year, 2022, had benefitted from a very enjoyable social programme with rambles, games evenings, talks, coffee mornings, boules tournament, a Safari Supper, a quiz evening and the ever-popular Beaujolais Bistro.
The 2022 social programme finished in December with a Morning of Christmas Cheer at which Father Christmas made an appearance with a sack full of goodies, presumably for those who had been good! Log fires and a table laden with Christmas bites, certainly set everyone up for Christmas.
The highlight of the year was the 5 day visit by members to Weil am Rhein, in southern Germany, staying with hosts. Coach outings on three of those days to France, Switzerland and various places in Germany, organised by the Weil am Rhein Twinning Association, were thoroughly enjoyed. Evenings there were occupied by a Civic Reception at the Town Hall and a special banquet with entertainment, both in our honour.
Mr Hagger, who was unanimously welcomed for a third year as Chairman, also spoke about our French twin town of St-Maur-des-Fossés and how, after the disbandment of the French Exchange Group in Bognor, the Twinning Association will be considering how to further strengthen our relationship with this town.
Mrs Heather Perrott, Vice Chairman and Life Honorary Vice President, later outlined the equally full social programme arranged for 2023 and also referred to this year’s 5 day visit to Trebbin, near Berlin. The next local event here will be our annual Joint Quiz evening in March, with ploughmans supper, organised along with three other town Twinning Associations in West Sussex.