Exchange Visits


Exchanges between the French twin town of Saint-Maur and Bognor Regis take place annually, with visits alternating between the towns. Visitors from the German towns, or Partnerstädte, Weil am Rhein and Trebbin come to Bognor every third year, while Bognor Regis members visit either Weil am Rhein or Trebbin in the two intervening years, where they are joined by visitors from Trebbin in Weil am Rhein or vice-versa. Many friendships have been formed over the years and a number of members travel to one or more of the twin towns on private visits between exchanges.

Saint-Maur-des-Fossés was the first town to form links with Bognor Regis. Established in 1980, the link continues to be very successful. Saint-Maur now boasts a small area of land named “Square Bognor Regis”, in addition to a “Promenade des Anglais” along the river Marne. In return, Bognor has a “Place St. Maur des Fossés” to remind us of our French twin town.

Bognor’s initial twinning with Germany took place in 1987 with the south-western town of Weil am Rhein which sought twinning links with an English seaside resort. Our excellent climate and pleasant coastline is very popular with German visitors both from Weil am Rhein and Trebbin.

Weil am Rhein already had links with the town of Trebbin in the former East Germany, so it seemed a natural development for Bognor to adopt this link as well. In 1996 official twinning charters were signed with Trebbin, building on the existing links between Bognor Regis and Saint-Maur-des-Fossés and Weil am Rhein.

Each exchange we seek to take a small group of young people kindly funded by a grant from Bognor Town Council 


A small group of Ramblers from Bognor Regis and Saint-Maur-Des-Fosses visit each others town each year.  For more information please contact us.

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